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Combatting Mold: Understanding Mold Growth

Spring has just begun, bringing sunlight, warm weather, blooming flowers, and chirping birds. However, while spring may bring fresh and new beginnings, it also brings with it a surge in moisture levels and an influx of rainwater, creating the perfect conditions for mold growth. The increase in humidity, as well as rainwater, can easily create an overwhelming issue, specifically for the multifamily industry. Mold growth can lead to serious obstacles, such as health and safety risks, structural damage, and it may also compromise the health and comfort of current residents. In this blog, we will dive into how mold growth begins in multifamily homes, how it can cause negative effects on residents and the building itself, and how Sasser Restoration can help during times of need. 

 How Does Mold Growth Begin and How Is It Caused? 

Mold growth starts its progress through a simple process. It usually starts when moisture builds up in areas where there is no proper moisture control. Without any moisture control, it continues to build up and, as a result, mold sprouts. However, in multifamily homes, mold growth can occur in many ways. 

The first leading cause would be due to burst pipes and overwhelmed plumbing. Burst pipes result in significant water leakage, allowing water to seep into the infrastructure—i.e., drywall, flooring, etc. As the water continues to seep into the building, moisture builds up, creating the perfect condition for mold to grow. This is also the same case with overwhelmed plumbing. When plumbing systems are defective, it can lead to cracks in pipes or can lead to immense humidity within the building, fostering great environments for mold. 

Another cause for mold growth is poor ventilation. When there is a lack of proper air ventilation, it creates conditions that allow moisture to accumulate. Without ventilation providing adequate airflow, moisture continues to build, leading to mold. This, of course, can be in different areas in multifamily facilities like kitchens, bathrooms, and even washrooms. 

In general, one of the leading causes of mold growth in multifamily buildings is due to poor maintenance. Regular inspections of pipes, ventilation, HVAC systems, drainage systems, and more can prevent the spread of mold as quickly as it starts. Addressing all the potential causes that may lead to mold, and doing so proactively, makes all the difference and helps multifamily homeowners promote safe living spaces. 

Negative Effects of Mold Growth to Residents and Homeowners 

  There are several misconceptions about mold growth regarding its effects. Many believe mold only becomes a problem when it is finally visible. Others think mold is harmless if left dry. But that’s not the case. 

Imagine that over the last couple of weeks, anytime you are in your apartment, you have erratic sneeze fits. Your eyes water, and you have severe chest pains. You feel tired, and it feels like you’re constantly battling a headache. And somehow, these fits and flare-ups only really occur when you’ve been home for long periods of time. Unfortunately, mold growth is a much bigger problem than just property damage, as it can create unfit living conditions that can cause serious health risks. 

  Some of the most serious health risks range from respiratory infections, pneumonia, or other respiratory issues like enhanced allergies, asthma, and even bronchitis. In addition to this, severe exposure to mold over prolonged periods can lead to difficulties in maintaining your immune system. Other health risks that are less serious, however still pose a strong threat, are that of congestion, irritated eyes, wheezing, itchy throat, coughing, skin irritation, headaches, and lethargy. 

The severity of these health risks varies depending on different circumstances, such as personal medical history, duration of exposure, severity and concentration of mold, current health status, and more. However, it is because of these health risks that make it important to approach mold growth proactively, quickly, and efficiently. 

Sasser’s Role in Your Multifamily Building 

  Luckily, through times of crisis, Sasser Restoration is here to be your trusted ally during times of need. Sasser specializes in bringing your building back to life, especially when it comes to mold remediation, as it requires immediate action. With our skilled network of first responders, advanced equipment, and our extensive experience, our team is well equipped to handle any mold remediation jobs effectively and efficiently. 

  Sasser understands the urgency of addressing mold issues to prevent not only property damage but also to prevent anyone from experiencing any serious health issues. By issuing our experience and resources, we can restore your building in no time, minimizing any inconvenience and ensuring safe conditions for you and residents. Check out our service page to see what different services we offer. It may be what you’re looking for. If you’re in urgent need of any rapid restoration services, give us a call at our emergency service line at (844) 449-1144. Let Sasser bring your building back to life.